Unlocking the Power: How to Increase File Upload Size in PHP on Ubuntu

In the digital era, file uploads are integral to many web applications. Learn how to effortlessly increase file upload size in PHP on Ubuntu. Unlock the potential of your website with our expert tips.

If you’ve ever encountered limitations on file size while working with PHP, you understand how frustrating it can be. In this extensive guide, we will explore strategies and techniques to boost the file upload size in PHP, ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of your web applications.

Understanding PHP’s File Upload Limitations

Before we dive into solutions, it’s essential to understand why PHP imposes file upload size restrictions. These limits are in place to prevent server overloads and enhance the security of web applications. While the default limits are generally reasonable, there are circumstances where you need to increase them.

Checking Your Current PHP Configuration

To begin, you should check your existing PHP configuration. This step is crucial because it helps you determine which limits need adjustments. You can do this by creating a simple PHP script:


Save this script with a .php extension and execute it on your server. It will provide a detailed report of your PHP configuration, including file upload settings.

Adjusting PHP Configuration to Increase File Upload Size in PHP

With knowledge of your current limits, you can proceed to modify the PHP configuration. There are two primary methods for doing this:

  1. php.ini File Configuration Locate and open your php.ini file, which houses various PHP settings, including those related to file uploads. Look for the following lines:
 upload_max_filesize = 2M
 post_max_size = 8M

Adjust the values according to your requirements. For instance, you can change them to:

 upload_max_filesize = 20M
 post_max_size = 80M

For info visit docs – HERE

How to Increase File Upload Size in PHP on Ubuntu

Make sure to save the changes and restart your web server to apply the modifications.

To restart your Apache server use the below command.

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Verifying the File Upload Limit Increase

After making the necessary adjustments, it’s crucial to confirm that the file upload limits have been successfully raised. You can do this by creating a simple PHP script to check the current settings:

  echo "Maximum File Upload Size: " . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . "<br>";
  echo "Maximum POST Size: " . ini_get('post_max_size');

This script will display the updated values, verifying that your changes have taken effect.

Dealing with Common Issues

Increase File Upload Size in PHP is generally straightforward, but you may encounter some common issues:

  1. Server Resource Constraints If your server lacks sufficient resources, increasing the upload size can lead to performance problems. Consider upgrading your hosting plan or optimizing your code to reduce resource consumption.
  2. Security Concerns Allowing larger file uploads can pose security risks. Implementing robust validation and security measures to safeguard against potential threats is essential.
  3. Application Compatibility Ensure that your web application can accommodate larger file uploads without encountering errors. Thorough testing is vital to confirm compatibility.


In this article, we’ve learned how to Increase File Upload Size in PHP, addressing common limitations developers face. By adjusting PHP configuration settings, you can facilitate larger file uploads and improve the functionality of your web applications. Consider server resources, security, and application compatibility while making these adjustments.

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1. What is the default file upload size limit in PHP?

The default file upload size limit in PHP is typically set to 2MB for upload_max_filesize and 8MB for post_max_size.

2. Can I increase the file upload size limit without access to php.ini?

Yes, you can enhance the file upload size limit by adjusting settings in your .htaccess file if you don’t have access to the php.ini file.

3. Are there security risks associated with larger file uploads?

Yes, permitting larger file uploads can pose security risks. It’s vital to implement robust validation and security measures to mitigate these risks.

4. What should I do if my server lacks the resources to handle larger file uploads?

4. What should I do if my server lacks the resources to handle larger file uploads?

How can I ensure my web application is compatible with larger file uploads?

To ensure compatibility, thoroughly test your web application with larger file uploads to identify and address any potential issues.

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